“Cup and Bass” is a popular mixtape series created by DJ Loft in collaboration with Kojo Manuel, one of Ghana’s leading hype men. This series has become one of the most recognized and celebrated DJ and hype man mixes in Ghana. The mixtape features a dynamic blend of Afrobeats, Hip-Hop, Dancehall, and other popular genres, showcasing the latest hits and classic tracks that keep listeners engaged from start to finish.

Key Highlights of “Cup and Bass”:

  • Creation and Concept: “Cup and Bass” was initially conceived as a mix for people to enjoy in the comfort of their homes, particularly during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The name “Cup and Bass” reflects a laid-back vibe, where listeners could relax with a drink (the “cup”) while enjoying the powerful beats (the “bass”).
  • Popularity and Impact: The mixtape quickly gained traction and became a go-to for party lovers and music enthusiasts. Its success is largely due to the seamless blend of tracks and the energy that DJ Loft and Kojo Manuel bring to the mix.
  • Live Recording Experience: Due to popular demand, DJ Loft and Kojo Manuel hosted their first outdoor live recording experience for “Cup and Bass” on May 30, 2024, at the Beehive in Osu, Accra. The event was a major success, attracting hundreds of fans and music lovers. The live session, initially planned for two hours, extended beyond the scheduled time as the crowd was fully immersed in the experience​ (YFM Ghana).
  • Awards and Recognition: The “Cup and Bass” mixtape won the Best Mixtape of the Year at the 2021 Ghana DJ Awards, solidifying its place as one of the most influential mixes in the Ghanaian music scene.

“Cup and Bass” continues to be a staple in Ghana’s party culture, with fans eagerly anticipating new releases and live performances. The mixtape series has not only elevated DJ Loft’s status but also highlighted the growing popularity of DJ and hype man collaborations in Africa’s music industry.
